Welcome to Kinship Cigars
“Igniting The Senses”
Kinship Cigars is an artisanal boutique cigar company dedicated to crafting the most unique blends to our discerning clientele.
Kinship Blend Cigar Overview
The Kinship Cigar blend manufactured in Tamboril Dominican Republic has a combination of Dominican Corojo filler and binder native to the region and a unique Cameroon wrapper to elevate the brightness of the blend.
Kinship Blend Manufacturing Process
Kinship Cigars choice of tobacco is made with our discerning clientele in mind. Our latest blend was cropped in 2018. The blend is then rolled and aged for up to 4 months to let flavors and nuisances become more elevated. Since we are a boutique manufacturer, we pride ourselves in small batches of our blends.